How To Start and Proceed With Hatha Yoga Practice?

If you are a beginner in yoga, the term may be far-fetched. But with some research online, you can gain some valuable insights about this yoga form. You might also be confused due to the changing advice that comes from people who have tried their hands at yoga. So, here are the answers. Anyone can start with yoga practice and Hatha Yoga is one of the best forms to start with. The Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh will be the perfect track for you. 

There are many good schools in this beautiful town based in the foothills of the Himalayas. After you start with the foundational course, you can quickly go for the advanced one as well. 

But first, you need some sort of introduction about Hatha Yoga. 

What Is Hatha Yoga All About?

Hatha Yoga is a very gentle yoga practice, in which you hold the poses for some time. And your practice is a combination of breathing techniques and yoga. You often start Hatha Yoga with meditation and purification processes. In a typical Hatha Yoga class, you focus on the poses more initially. But as you start getting accustomed with the practice, you start concentrating on the breath as well. In Hatha Yoga, there is the presence of opposite energies. You get the energies of ‘Ha’ the sun and ‘Tha’, which is the moon. That is why, many yogis will consider it as a safe practice that energizes as well as relaxes. 

It is covered in the 200 hours YTTC and also the 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. You can derive many different benefits from Hatha Yoga practice as well. This practice has huge implications on your physical health, mental health and also your spiritual health. It has been proven time and again to impact your body and ageing, directly. On the other hand, breathing and meditative practices have a profound impact on your inward journey. With practice, you tend to become calmer and more resilient to things happening around you. 

Hatha Yoga happens to be the perfect yoga form to start your yoga journey with. 

How Can You Start Hatha Yoga Practice?

  • You can start your Hatha Yoga practice anytime. But before you do, you need to know why you want to do it. Are you looking to improve upon your physical health or mental health? This is something very important. You must know that Hatha Yoga can be customized till a certain extent. 
  • Secondly, you should choose a course and that too in a place which offers authentic courses. Rishikesh is amongst them. Guidance is of utmost importance and in yoga, you need a Guru or a teacher to show you the way. The foundation program that comprises 200 hrs of study is adequate for your beginner journey. 
  • In the Hatha Yoga class, you learn how to breathe. At this stage, you will be advised by your teachers to do poses and also breathe. This is important for any yoga journey, not just Hatha Yoga. When you start controlling your breath, you start to focus inwards. And that is the motto. You also get the chance to introspect. Your connection with your environment is also built when you breathe properly. 
  • So, just like you chose the yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, you can choose your poses. If you are feeling overwhelmed in the beginning, you can start with a few easy ones. Do communicate with your teachers. They will definitely help you out. You can also review the process and take the steps slowly. There will be modifications to assist you. 
  • Try to handle the challenges. There will be certain poses which seem challenging in the beginning. But, do not allow them to stop you from trying. The teachers at the best schools in Rishikesh will motivate and push you, to get out of your comfort zone. You can practice chanting, to get your sweet spot. 
  • Meditate properly. And amazingly, it is included in the Hatha yoga classes. No yoga session can be complete without meditative activities. You can meditate and chant to relax yourself. This also helps to overlook distractions. 
  • Study the philosophical texts properly. This will give you the right approach, as suggested by great Gurus. Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Bhagavad Gita can put your practice on track. 

Your progress is very important and teachers will take care of that as well. That is why, you should choose the course and school, before investing time and money. Your practice and learning is not just your responsibility, but the teacher’s as well. 

After you have proceeded in your journey and managed to get certified, it does not stop there. 

Advance With The 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Once you have started, there is no stopping you. You can advance your knowledge about yoga and learn more advanced poses. In the advanced classes, you will be delving deeper into anatomy and physiology. Disease management is also quite important in the advanced course. You learn to look into more minute aspects in your lessons. The human body becomes like a picture, always in front of you. This will help you to guide your student well in all circumstances. After you take the advanced course, you can also certify for RYT 500. As that would mean completing 200 hrs plus 300 hrs of yogic study. 

The journey will get more exciting from there on. As you delve into the intricacies of each pose and find out fresh perspectives, yoga becomes a lifestyle. You will be practicing arm balances, headstands and handstands as well. You will start to practice asanas like Tittibhasana, Urdhva-dhanurasana and Pincha Mayurasana. There are advanced Pranayamas as well, in the syllabus. 


The 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is going to give a new direction to your Hatha yoga practice, personally as well as for your career. Join the right school to enhance your prospects. Better your Hatha Yoga practice, by surrendering to the natural forces. And it can exist in a place like Rishikesh, which is yoga’s abode. 

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